
Wednesday 12 September 2018

Astro-Pi "Mission Space lab" who's interested?

Mission Space Lab

Chertsey Radio club is inviting anyone aged under 19 years old to join us in creating some Python code, which will harness the full sensor range of the raspberry pi and sense hat (astro-pi) and could be run n the International Space station.

We will be visiting the Egham Raspberry Jam at the end of this month and will be running online sessions to help our teams prepare and upload their projects.

If you are a school, code club, or group of people interested, please get in contact we will help you!

Mission Space Lab offers students and young people the chance to have their scientific experiments run on the ISS. Your challenge is to design and program an experiment to be run on an Astro Pi computer. The best experiments will be deployed to the ISS, and your team will have the opportunity to analyse your results and put together a short report about your findings. The ten teams that write the best reports will be selected as the Astro Pi Mission Space Lab winners!

Who can take part?
Anyone who is 19 years or younger
In teams of two to six
Supervised by a teacher or mentor
50% of teams’ members need to be citizens of an ESA Member/Associate Member State

Please contact us if you are interested via our club e-mail 
Twitter @chertseyrc