Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Download and install FLDIGI

Download and install FLDIGI


Firstly download FLdigi from this link: 

Now when you open a websdr the audio will be directed to the FLDIGI software and will be able to decode it.

Installing MixW software

Download and install MixW


Please visit :

Click on download version 1.0.5, this will be saved to downloads folder and can also be seen at the bottom of your browser. Double click on the MixW4-1.0.5.exe to start the install.

Follow the simple install steps below

When MixW opens please fill in your details

Click on sound card settings, this is where the magic of virtual audio cable comes into play.
Please choose INput and OUTput as the virtual cable and click on SAVE!

Now when you open a websdr the audio will be directed to the MixW software and will be able to decode it. Note you can close the cat control and ignore frequency / mode in the mixw program.

Download and install VB-Audio (virtual audio cable) Windows only !!!!

Installing Virtual Audio cable


Please visit the following web site:

Click on the download button in orange, will download to your downloads directory., you should also see it in the bar at the bottom of your browser, assuming you have winzip or other extractor program installed you can double click to open it.

You may have to right click and run as administrator, otherwise just double click the 32 or 64 version right for your PC.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Online / Web based Kiwi SDR Weather Fax decoding on demand and as a service

Continuing our series of Amateur Radio As A Service (ARAAS) this post looks into another built in feature of the famous Kiwi web based SDR, the ability to decode FAX transmissions on the fly.

On the HF bands Fax is mainly used to transmit weather related information.

You can find the locations and schedule HERE

So go find a kiwi sdr station at in our example we used I1CRA / IZ1GLG (thank you)

Locate the above panel, which will appear bottom right side of the web page, in the extension drop down choose fax. You will see the screen changes, the fax decoder and fax control panel are now seen.

Given in this example we are using the kiwi sdr located in Italy, we can use a frequency in Europe, for the best results, if you select the top frequency, then click next until you find an active one.

You should start seeing some nice decodes as seen in the screenshots above 

Md-uv 380 update and other new toys!

Friday, 18 May 2018

Benidorm or bust working on the car

GR9HAM very special call sign for the wedding of Harry and Meghan

We ran very special event call sign GR9HAM from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th May to celebrate the wedding of harry and Meghan. Racked up 105 contacts between James and Bob.