Monday, 22 October 2018

20th Egham Raspberry Jam

Freeby finger lights up for grabs from the Chertsey Stall

Virtual Buildathon electronics projects

Shot showing Vbuild and Astro pi demo and also the PiRate FM demo

Class is set up ready to go

Second shot of the class room

Demonstrating the Astro_Pi

Told you there were lights up for grabs!

PiRate FM demonstration

Here are some of our vbuild electronics projects

The end of Astro Pi Mission zero presentation

Great afternoon had by Chertsey Radio Club

This is what we came up with for the finger lights

Sunday, 21 October 2018

The Ciro Mazzoni STEALTH loop

ESA Mission Zero Python coding challenge Presentation by James M0JFP at Egham Raspberry Jam

James M0JFP presented Mission Zero, an opportunity to have your Python code run on the International Space station. He stepped through explaining what the Sense hat was and why it was developed and sent to the space station. He then worked through examples of code showing the Children how to display their names, take the temperature and some simple graphics.

You can download the lesson plan and sample code from GitHub

M0NPT works special call GB1JAM (Egham raspberry Jam)

GB1JAM 20th Egham Raspberry Jam Satellite demonstration

We had great fun operating GB1JAM to celebrate the 20th Egham Raspberry Jam.

There was opportunity to decode our message on the AO73 FunCube 1 satellite

We also demonstrated a FM satellite pass

You can hear our AO91 pass here where we made several contacts 

To give some perspective here is the recording from Peter G0ABI

Above, simple set up Arrow Antenna and FT8900 radio

Here are the confirmation QSL cards from our satellite contact above