Tuesday 22 August 2017

ISS cross band repeater active over UK 15:30 **We have contact**

Today we were lucky enough to send voice message via the International space station and talk to other ham radio operators around the world.

Signal was sent up on 437.050 and relayed back by the space station on 145.800

Happy to report I was able to work 2M0SQL, G0ABI, G7SVR (Isle of wight) and F4DXV

Audio from Peter 2M0SQL here

My audio linked below:

ISS repeater active over UK 13:57

Peter 2M0SQL recording here

My recording below

ISS FM repeater active over UK 12:17

ISS was 145.800 downlink and 437.050 uplink again today.

In the above you can clearly hear 2M0SQL Peter working his magic.


Friday 18 August 2017

Colin Butler from ICQ amateur ham radio podcast shares our ISS / satellite sucess

Radio amateurs at the Chertsey Radio Club have received test transmissions by two satellites inside the International Space Station (ISS)
Early in  July 2017, the International Space Station sent greeting messages in Russian, English, Spanish and Chinese, which were picked up by club members.
The messages were sent during test transmissions from two small experimental Russian amateur radio satellites, known as Tanusha-1 and Tanusha-2. They will be deployed from the ISS during a spacewalk in August.
As part of the celebrations for the 20th Anniversary of Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS), the ISS sent a set of 12 images using slow scan television (SSTV). The transmissions took place over four days from July 20.
Chertsey Radio Club was able to receive the signal and convert them into images using a Raspberry Pi 3.