Wednesday 7 September 2016

High speed Raspberry Pi Hamnet node (HSMM, BBHN, AREDN)

HSMM-Pi is a set of tools designed to easily configure the Raspberry Pi to function as a High-Speed Multimedia (HSMM) wireless mesh node, compatible with Broadband Hamnet (BBHN) and AREDN. Mesh networks offer amateur radio operators (hams) the ability to operate high-speed data networks in the frequencies shared with unlicenced users of 802.11 b/g/n networking equipment. Hams can operate HSMM or BBHN at higher power with larger antennas than are available to unlicensed users. The HSMM-Pi project makes it possible to run an HSMM mesh node on the Raspberry Pi. The project has been tested to work on other embedded computing platforms, including the BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black.
The HSMM-Pi project can used by people not possessing an amateur radio license so long as they are in compliance with the transmission rules set by the FCC or the local regulating body. This typically means sticking with the WiFi antenna provided with your WiFi adapter.
For a video tour, see the following YouTube video:
The project consists of a PHP web application that is used to configure and monitor the mesh node, and an installation shell script that installs dependencies and puts things in the right spots.
The HSMM-Pi project is designed to run on Ubuntu 12.04 systems. Rather than providing an OS image for HSMM-Pi, I've instead created an installation script that will transform a newly-imaged host into an HSMM-Pi node. This has several benefits:
  • Greater transparency: You can see exactly which changes are made to the base system by looking at the install shell script.
  • Easier to port to more platforms: Any platform that runs the supported Ubuntu releases ought to be capable of running HSMM-Pi
  • Easier to host: I only need to post the installation script and webapp files on Github and it's done.
  • Easier to seek support: Ubuntu is widely used and supported, no need to introduce another customization.

Hardware Requirements

HSMM-Pi has been tested to work with the Raspberry Pi running the Raspbian OS, with the BeagleBone running Debian, and with the BeagleBone Black running Ubuntu 12.04 from the onboard eMMC flash memory. The requirements for each are listed below.
Raspberry-Pi Node:
  • Raspberry Pi (any model)
  • USB WiFi adapter (tested with the N150 adapter using the Ralink 5370 chipset, and with the Alfa AWSU036NH), or built-in WiFi adapter (on Raspberry Pi 3)
  • SD memory card (4GB minimum)
BeagleBone Node:
  • BeagleBone or BeagleBone Black
  • USB WiFi adapter (tested with the N150 adapter using the Ralink 5370 chipset)
  • SD memory card (4GB minimum) (in the case of BeagleBone Black, used for initial imaging of the eMMC flash memory only)


HSMM-Pi has two modes: Internal and Mesh Gateway. A description of each is provided below.

Mesh Gateway Mode

A node in Mesh Gateway mode routes traffic throughout the mesh, and provides the mesh with Internet access through the wired Ethernet port. The gateway obtains a DHCP lease on the wired interface, and advertises its Internet link to mesh nodes using OLSR.

Internal Mode

A node in Internal mode routes traffic throughout the mesh and provides mesh access to any hosts connected to its wired Ethernet port. The node in this mode runs a DHCP server that issues DHCP leases to any hosts on the wired connection. It also runs a DNS server that can provide name resolution for both mesh nodes and Internet hosts. The following diagram shows how the two types of nodes can be deployed:
There could be any number of mesh nodes in the Ad-Hoc WiFi Network. The route among the nodes is managed entirely with OLSR.
I've done all of my testing with N150 USB wifi adapters that use the Ralink 5370 wireless chipset. These adapters are cheap (~$7 USD), compact, and easy to come by. They also use drivers that are bundled with most Ubuntu distributions, making setup easy. The N150 adapter tested included a threaded antenna connector that should make it easy to add a linear amplifier and aftermarket antenna (outside the scope of the HSMM-Pi project).

Raspberry Pi Installation

  1. Download the Raspbian Jessie or Raspbian Jessie Lite disk image. The Lite image is suitable for headless installations as it omits the graphical interface, web browser, etc.
  2. Write the image to an SD memory card. This involves formatting the SD card; I recommend the steps described at
  3. Insert the card into a Raspberry Pi
  4. Connect the wired Ethernet port on the Pi to a network with Internet access
  5. Apply power to the Pi
  6. Login to the Pi through an SSH session, the console, or the terminal application. The username is "pi" and the password is "raspberry".
  7. Run the Raspberry Pi Setup program:
    sudo raspi-config
  8. Expand the filesystem to fill the SD memory card
  9. Change the password for the "pi" account
  10. If installing over an SSH connection to the Pi, then I recommend you install "screen" (sudo apt-get install screen) to ensure that the installation script is not stopped prematurely if you lose connectivity with the Pi. This is optional, but I highly recommend using screen if installing over the network. You can find more info on screen here:
  11. Run the following commands to download the HSMM-Pi project and install
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y git
    git clone
    cd hsmm-pi
  12. Login to the web application on the Pi: http://(wired Ethernet IP of the node):8080/
  13. Access the Admin account using the username "admin" and password "changeme".
  14. Change the password for HSMM-Pi
  15. Configure as either an Internal or Gateway node

BeagleBone Black Installation

  1. Download the latest BeagleBone Black Ubuntu 12.04 image:
  2. Write the image to an SD memory card using the steps on the page referenced in the previous step
  3. Insert the SD card into a BeagleBone Black board
  4. Apply power to the BeagleBone Black
  5. Login to the BeagleBone Black through an SSH session or the console using the 'ubuntu' account
  6. Transfer the image to the running BeagleBone Black using SCP
  7. Write the image to the eMMC flash memory using the steps mentioned in the first step here.
  8. Wait for all 4 LEDs to go solid (could take several minutes)
  9. Shutdown the Beaglbone Black (sudo /sbin/init 0)
  10. Remove the memory card from the BeagleBone Black
  11. Apply power to the BeagleBone Black
  12. Login to the BeagleBone Black through an SSH session or the console using the 'ubuntu' account
  13. Change the password for the 'ubuntu' account
  14. Install the development tools necessary to build OLSRD and retrieve the HSMM-Pi project:
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install make gcc git
  15. If installing over an SSH connection, then I recommend you install 'screen' (sudo apt-get install screen) to ensure that the installation script is not stopped prematurely if you lose connectivity. This is optional, but I highly recommend using screen if installing over the network. You can find more info on screen here:
  16. Run the following commands to download the HSMM-Pi project and install
    git clone
    cd hsmm-pi
  17. Login to the web application: http://(wired Ethernet IP of the node):8080/
  18. Access the Admin account using the 'admin' username and 'changeme' password.
  19. Change the password for HSMM-Pi
  20. Configure as either an Internal or Gateway node

Upgrade Steps

This is experimental, and you should fall back to a fresh installation if things aren't functioning as you'd expect. This is supported only on the HEAD of the master branch at this time.
  1. Login to the host using SSH or the console
  2. Run the following commands to upgrade:
    cd ~/hsmm-pi
    git pull
  3. Access the web UI and check the configuration. Save the Network and Location settings, even if no changes are needed.
  4. If the save operation fails, then you might need to replace the SQLite database file due to database schema changes. Run the following command:
    cd ~/hsmm-pi/
    sudo cp src/var/data/hsmm-pi/hsmm-pi.sqlite /var/data/hsmm-pi/
  5. Repeat the step of reviewing and saving the configuration through the web UI.

Internal Mesh Node Configuration

This represents the minimum set of steps:
  1. Select Admin->Network from the menubar
  2. Configure the WiFi interface:
    1. Specify an IP address that will be unique throughout the mesh network. This will be different every mesh node. A default will be provided based on the last 3 fragments of the WiFi adapter MAC address.
  3. Configure the Wired interface:
    1. Set the Wired interface mode to LAN
  4. Configure the Mesh settings
    1. Specify your node name, likely a composition of your callsign and a unique number in your mesh (i.e. KK6DCI-7)
  5. Click 'Save'
  6. If successful, click the 'Reboot' button in the alert and proceed.

Gateway Node Configuration

This represents the minimum set of steps:
  1. Select Admin->Network from the menubar
  2. Configure the WiFi interface:
    1. Specify an IP address that will be unique throughout the mesh network. This will be different every mesh node. A default will be provided based on the last 3 fragments of the WiFi adapter MAC address.
  3. Configure the Wired interface:
    1. Set the Wired interface mode to WAN
  4. Configure the Mesh settings
    1. Specify your node name, likely a composition of your callsign and a unique number in your mesh (i.e. KK6DCI-7)
  5. Click 'Save'
  6. If successful, click the 'Reboot' button in the alert and proceed.


A list of frequently asked questions can be found on our wiki, at the FAQ page.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

2 more GB9LIZ EQSL cards **Thank you!!**

ISS expedition-48 Landing Today **UK LATE**

Nasa web page

Three International Space Station crew members are scheduled to return to Earth on Tuesday, Sept. 6. NASA Television will provide coverage of their departure from the orbital outpost and return home, beginning at 9 a.m. EDT Tuesday, Sept. 6.

Astronaut Jeff Williams

You can watch NaASA TV here

Tuesday, Sept. 6
  • 9 a.m. - Replay of the traditional change of command ceremony in which Williams hands over station command to Anatoly Ivanishin (recorded on Sept. 5.)
  • 2:15 p.m. - Farewell and hatch closure coverage (hatch closure scheduled at 2:30 p.m.).
  • 5:30 p.m. - Undocking coverage (undocking scheduled at 5:51 p.m.).
  • 8 p.m. - Deorbit burn and landing coverage (deorbit burn scheduled at 8:21 p.m., with landing at 9:14 p.m.)
Wednesday, Sept. 7
  • 12 a.m. - Video File of hatch closure, undocking and landing activities.
  • 12 p.m. - Video File of landing and post-landing activities and post-landing interview with Williams in Kazakhstan.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Trying satellites thanks to Peter 2e0sql and 2e0cqp

145.940 USB
You can hear Peter 2e0sql

Home brew 2/70 antenna built by Peter 2e0cqp
Soldering by m0jfp

Coax for 2 and 70

Sonic Pi: Making music with your raspberry pi and a little help from our friends at Geek Gurl

With thanks to our friends at Geek Gurl for the above video showing you the first steps of using sonic-pi to create music.

Sonic pi is installed by default on raspian and noobs (raspberry pi)
However if you need to install it follow the instruction below:
First, clone the repository from github by using git or download it as a zip file. Open the terminal and enter the following command if git is already installed
$ git clone
Otherwise, go to the link and download it as a zip file, which is about 38 MB.
Before compiling, it requires some softwares and libraries to be installed. So, enter the following command in the terminal:
$ sudo apt-get install supercollider ruby libqscintilla2-dev ruby-dev cmake pkg-config
Now, change to the sonic-pi directory, and
$ cd app/server/bin
$ ./compile-extensions.rb
Again, change to the sonic-pi directory and
$ cd app/gui/qt/
$ ./rp-build-app
which would generate a sonic-pi binary. Either run that file, or the script in sonic-pi/bin
$ ./sonic-pi

Wednesday 17 August 2016

If you wanna be Mr Robot then lets do it right...CRC will teach you the basics interactivity

I know we are late to the party on the whole Mr Robot TV series but in all seriousness, I have now read at least 5 articles trying to show you how to create a tunnel from you work / school / evil corp's network but none of them teach you the correct way .

Our proposal is to set up a Raspberry Pi and allow you to set up tunnels and learn how to make this work. We will work interactivity with you and help you each step of the way.

This way you get real world exposure to accessing a pi on the Internet and seeing its true potential.

SSH (Secure Socket Shell) is an encrypted  protocol to allow and administrator secure command line access to his Linux / Unix boxes. However you can also create secure tunnels between 2 boxes (servers)  and like in the TV series Mr Robot a reverse tunnel or call home feature.

You will need a linux box (like a raspberry pi) at home, in your office or at school / hack space

Register your interest by sending an e-mail to 
Title: Request to join SSH classes
Let us know your name / handle and we will set you up an account on our Pi / Server

We will then send you a list of tasks.
Each task you will be required to give us some data to prove you have completed it.
All users will have different data / tasks may be changed..No cheating (you are welcome to work as a team / group)

You will learn at least the following tasks

1:-Be able to use putty or ssh command line to ssh between computers
2:-Change your password
3:-Create a tunnel from your Linux box to our Linux box
4:-Get our Linux box to call your Linux box and create a reverse tunnel (then log in)
This is what Mr Robot did, and will allow you to gain access to a secure network or get through the office firewall or school proxy server.
5:-ow you got a tunnel what can you do with it...With power come great responsibility !!
6:-Share your experience and new found powers  with others.

This is a FREE and fun training course to help ensure you understand what is being done and how to do it right.

You will be amazed at what you can do once you have created a SSH Tunnel....

We look forward to getting your e-mail soon and always feel free to ask questions / we can when free give remote sessions to show how things are done, we can also post some videos as needed.

Have fun 


Monday 15 August 2016

Setting up raspberry pi 3 and QSSTV latest 9.1

You need an external usb sound card

Next set up alsa mixer and increase the microphone gain!

In a command line window type:
Sudo alsamixer

Press the F6 key to select sound card

Choose the usb sound card using up and down arrow keys and press enter.

Use arrow right key to select Mic, use up arrow to increase to about 52.

Press escape key to return to command line

To install QSSTV type:

sudo apt-get install g++ libfftw3-dev qt5-default libpulse-dev
sudo apt-get install hamlib-dev libasound-dev  libv4l-dev
sudo apt-get install libopenjp2-7 libopenjp2-7-dev

Next download and install QSSTV

mkdir downloads
cd downloads
tar -xvzf qsstv_9.1.8.tar.gz
cd qsstv_9.1.8
sudo make install

You can now run the program by typing qsstv at the prompt of a terminal session, or make a short cut on your desktop.

Click on configuration

Click on sound and copy the above settings
Input and output set to your usb sound card.
Set the sound to alsa.
Plug an external microphone into the sound card. Turn up your radio and watch your pictures get decoded.
Space station is 145.800 fm
However 14.230 upper side band is more regular broadcast.
You can also hold the microphone near a sstv recording or YouTube video.

Have fun let me know how you get on!

Setting up raspberry pi 3 and QSSTV latest 9.1

You need an external usb sound card

Next set up alsa mixer and increase the microphone gain!

In a command line window type:
Sudo alsamixer

Press the F6 key to select sound card

Choose the usb sound card using up and down arrow keys and press enter.

Use arrow right key to select Mic, use up arrow to increase to about 52.

Press escape key to return to command line

To install QSSTV type:

sudo apt-get install g++ libfftw3-dev qt5-default libpulse-dev
sudo apt-get install hamlib-dev libasound-dev  libv4l-dev
sudo apt-get install libopenjp2-7 libopenjp2-7-dev

Next download and install QSSTV

mkdir downloads
cd downloads
tar -xvzf qsstv_9.1.8.tar.gz
cd qsstv_9.1.8
sudo make install

You can now run the program by typing qsstv at the prompt of a terminal session, or make a short cut on your desktop.

Click on configuration

Click on sound and copy the above settings
Input and output set to your usb sound card.
Set the sound to alsa.
Plug an external microphone into the sound card. Turn up your radio and watch your pictures get decoded.
Space station is 145.800 fm
However 14.230 upper side band is more regular broadcast.
You can also hold the microphone near a sstv recording or YouTube video.

Have fun let me know how you get on!

Awesome raspberry pi and QSSTV

QSSTV running on a raspberry pi 3 decoding sstv from the international space station today!

SSTV 3:29 Monday

First sstv from about 2:45 today

Saturday 13 August 2016

VP2ETE DX contact Saturday night

Saturday night using 100 Watts and an atas mobile auto-tuning antenna we worked :

SSTV mode PD120 transmissions on 145.800 MHz FM Aug 15-16

What is SSTV:

This is a way of transmitting pictures over the air, the picture is encoded into sound and sent via a transmitter. The picture is divided into lines and each line is sent one by one. You will see the picture build up infront of you. 

The sound is received by another radio and a computer can decode the sound into the picture.

SSTV from the International space station is transmitted on 145.800 FM and is analogue.
This is good because if you get any interference you just miss a line or 2 of the picture (scratchy) not the whole thing. 

The Event

Apparently the crew have been requested to reconfigure the equipment to PD120 according to Amsat UK site. The MAI-75 Experiment will transmit SSTV images using PD120 mode on 145.800 MHz FM over the course of a few orbits as the space station passes over Moscow. Operators in Europe and South America will have the best chances to receive images. Operators along the US East Coast may have one chance on August 16.

What can you do to take part?

Firstly how do you know where the space station is and when it will be near you?
Take a look at the NASA site: and enter your details.
You will get a list of approximate time the ISS will be in your location.

If you have a 144 scanner or radio tune into 145.800 open your squelch and listen for the fax like sounds.
A simple $40 beofeng Chinese radio is enough to get the signal.
Use your phone to record the signal.

Go outside, take your kids outside you don't need to be high up, just clear view of the sky...

Take pictures of your attempts and share them back to us..

If you don't have a radio you can use a web based radio (SDR) to pick up the signal:
For UK reception we tend to use: select 146, tune to 145.800 FM
Use the record facility and download the file to your desktop.
Use the R4UAB WebSDR to receive SSTV when ISS is over Russia

Now my biggest suggestion here is to record the sound and decode it later on, trying to get the computer ready can be a pain on your first attempt.

You can of course use a more specialist cable connected between your radio and computer, but this article is aimed to help give everyone a chance in the simplest way possible.

If you are lucky enough to record a signal (please do share with us!) now you will need to decode it into a picture.

Android hone or tablet you can use:  

For your PC / windows you can use:Free MMSSTV Slow Scan TV software

On the raspberry pi (1,2 and 3) you can install QSSTV:
More on this later....

Once your decoding software is installed you just need to feed in your recorded SSTV sounds and within a few minutes you should have some pictures.

Here are a few images we got in the last year on these special events.

**Please do ask us question or for help... we are here for you!!**