Monday 22 July 2019

ISS SSTV special memorial to honor Owen Garriott - W5LFL July 29 to August 4

Two SSTV events during July 29 - August 4.

Below is the scheduled (as of July 22) for the planned activation of SSTV from the ISS. The first session is the routine MAI-75 activity that is only active for a few orbits. It appears that the most of the world (except N. America) will get a shot during the two day run. Some lucky operators along the east coast of North America should get a pass on July 29.

Inter-MAI-75 activity
(July 29) GMT 210/13:15  – SSTV activate
(July 29) GMT 210/21:25  – SSTV power down

(July 30) GMT 211/13:50 – SSTV power up
(July 30) GMT 211/19:30 – SSTV shutdown

The second event will be a world wide event running from August 1 through August 4 and will be a memorial event to honor Owen Garriott - W5LFL. He was the first person to operate amateur radio from space. We owe much to his efforts to bring the hobby to space for other operators. The schedule is below  (as of July 22)

ARISS Garriott memorial SSTV activity
(Aug 01) GMT 213/09:40  – SSTV activate
(Aug 02) GMT 214/14:00 – SSTV check
(Aug 04) GMT 216/18:15 – SSTV shutdown